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-Home Owner (Investment)Property ManagerHOA RepresentativeRealtorBuyerRenterInsurance Claim
Building Type
-ResidentialCommercialApartmentTownhouseCondominiumNew ConstructionIndustrial
Year built
Type of Current Roof
-3 Tab shingleComposition/Asphalt shingleWood shakeCement/Clay TileTorchdown (flat roof)PVC/TPO/Single PlyGravel (flat roof)Metal roofSlate
Condition of current roof
Steepness of Roof
-Slight GradeWalkableSlightly SteepSteepVery SteepSteep & Flat Mixture
Type of new roof
-Designer Composition / Asphalt Shingles - 40- Lifetime WarrantyClay/ConcreteClay TileCool Roof Coating (flat roof)Torchdown (flat roof)PVC/ (flat roof)Gravel (flat roof)Metal roofSlateTitle 24 Cool RoofNot too sure, need some expert advice
Utility Info
Monthly Bill Amount
-$100-$250$250-$350$350-$500Over $500
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